We recognise our operations result in emissions to air, water, the generation of waste and consumption of natural resource, we therefore realise the importance of environmental protection

We recognise our operations result in emissions to air, water, the generation of waste and consumption of natural resource, we therefore realise the importance of environmental protection. We have implemented an environmental management system and we are committed to operating our business responsibly and in compliance with all environmental regulations & legislation It is our objective to operate with, and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies. It is W B Services (UK) Ltd’s declared policy to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements and to continually improve environmental performance through the implementation of the following:

1. Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of the Organisation's activities 2. Assess and regular re-assess the Organisations environmental objectives and targets 3. Training of employees in environmental issues

4. Minimise the production of waste

5. Minimise material wastage

6. Minimise energy wastage

7. Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials

8. Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to water, land and air

9. Minimise the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by the Organisation

This policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to the public.

In drafting and reviewing the Environmental Policy all personnel involved ensure that it: 1. Is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities

2. Includes a commitment to continual improvement and the prevention of pollution

3. Includes a commitment to comply with the relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and with the other requirements to which the Organisation subscribes

4. Provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets 5. Is documented, implemented and maintained and communicated to all employees

6. Is available to the public

WB Services UK Ltd are currently working towards the ISO 14001 Accreditation

Crossrail Approved Tideway FORS ALLMI CPA RHA UVDB CHAS CLOCS Safe Contractor ISO 18001 ISO 9001